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EA Unlocked takes you behind the scenes at The Episcopal Academy. Join host and Head of School Dr. T.J. Locke as he interviews students and teachers, explores school traditions, and more. Subscribe on Apple, Stitcher, or Google Play!

Dec 17, 2019

The holidays are an exciting time on campus at EA. PreK students stop by Dr. T.J. Locke's office to decorate his tree, read a book, and share cookies. Throughout December, EA Chaplains mark Advent and celebrate other traditions. The annual Scrooge Chapel is a much-anticipated favorite, as teachers, faculty, and staff...

Dec 3, 2019

In 2018, The Lilley Fellowship was launched at EA through the generosity of Bill Lilley '55  and his wife Eve. In year one, two students were selected to pursue independent study opportunities. In 2019, Kat Harrar '21 spent time studying farm-to-feed programs and cultivating EA's Syd Buck Memorial Garden. Kat and Lilley...