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EA Unlocked takes you behind the scenes at The Episcopal Academy. Join host and Head of School Dr. T.J. Locke as he interviews students and teachers, explores school traditions, and more. Subscribe on Apple, Stitcher, or Google Play!

Apr 20, 2022

This year's Walter W. Buckley, Jr. '55 American History Lecture Series featured Dr. Joanne B. Freeman.

The noted historian specializes in the politics and political culture of the revolutionary and early national periods of American History. She is also a leading expert on the life of Alexander Hamilton.

During her day...

Apr 14, 2022

EA student musicians shared their talents and provided some beautiful music for this year's Easter celebrations. Student pieces are performed by Ashley Kim '23 (flute), Sejin Park '20 (viola), and Michael Zhou '21 (piano).

Apr 6, 2022

Middle School students jump into learning the Classics at EA with the introduction to Latin in 7th grade.

One of the highlights for 8th graders is the Emperors Project. This project stretches through all three trimesters and culminates with A Night with the Emperors. Classics Chair Steve Bosio talks about EA's hands-on...